Engenharia de Produção promove palestra com o professor R. P. Sundarraj

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção (PPGEP) da UFPE irá promover na sexta-feira, dia 11/12, às 10h, no auditório Newton Maia do CTG, a palestra “Time Preferences in Electronic Negotiation: Models, Results and Applications”, ministrada pelo professor R. P. Sundarraj . O evento é aberto ao público.

R.P. Sundarraj é atualmente Professor do II T-Madras e, antes disso, ocupou os cargos de professor efetivo na University of Waterloo, Canadá, e na Clark University em Massachusetts, EUA. Professor Sundarraj publicou em diversos periódicos tais como IEEE/ACM Transactions, Mathematical Programming, Operations Research Letters, e European Journal of Operational Research.


The concept of electronic negotiation is not new and has been proposed as early as 1990s.  Ever since, researchers have developed a number of Internet-based systems to support activities in the pre-negotiation, negotiation and post-negotiation phases, including the making of recommendations for suitable products/services, evaluating and making offers, and helping support post-negotiated settlements.  At a fundamental level, all these activities entail the elicitation of some form of user-preference.  However, one preference that has not been seen in the electronic negotiation literature is time preference, wherein the price of the product/service varies with respect to when it is delivered.  There has been a long-standing stream of literature on characterizing and modeling time-preference.  The purpose of this talk will be to describe the modeling, effectiveness and applications of incorporating time-preferences into electronic negotiations. 


P. Sundarraj is currently a Professor at IIT-Madras, and has prior to that, held tenured faculty positions at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and Clark University in Massachusetts, USA.  Professor Sundarraj has published in various IEEE/ACM Transactions, Mathematical Programming, Operations Research Letters, and European Journal of Operational Research.  In addition, he has consulted for Fortune 100 companies and serves on the editorial boards of journals such as IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.