In the International Cooperation web page there are information for VISA, Student Assistance (Accommodation, Food, Transport, Currency Exchange), Application procedure, Course registration, etc.

Reception of foreign students

– The Program offers continuous support to foreign students (non-residents in the country) who are attending MASTER / PhD PLENARY or POST-DOCTORATE, in order to meet the growing demand for the Program. The program prondes support and monitor the academic performance of these students and to contribute to their social and cultural integration.

– In the last years, PPGEP received foreign students from countries such as Holland, France, Italy, Mozambique, Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Guatemala and Venezuela, which represents  a percentage of 25% of students enrolled in the Program.

– The Program has received students to attend MASTERS AND SANDWICH PhD with funding from their home universities, such as the Netherlands, France, Poland, Sweden and Italy.

Course performed in English. In 2016, the program received 33 foreign students from 17 different countries. These students used the PPGEP credits in their respective universities to complete their training (Masters / PhD). 82% of these Universities are from Europe (from Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey); 9% from Mexico; 6% from India; and 3% from United States.

International exchange of Brazilian students

– International cooperation agreement for the development of CO-TUTELE with the University of Toulouse, France and University of Rome, Italy.

– Development of INTERUNIVERSITY EXCHANGE DOCTORATE (Sandwich PhD) in universities the Program has cooperation, such as, in the last years, England, France, Canada, Italy and United States, intensifying the bilateral exchange of students with foreign institutions of excellence.

– Participation of PhD students in international events relevant to the area. Some students presented outstanding performance, receiving AWARDS FOR BEST WORKS PRESENTED IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES.

– Several theses and dissertations are written in English due to the participation of renowned foreign researchers as members of examination boards, such as the Editor EJOR (One of the leading journals in the area of ​​engineering, according to the Brazilian classification of scientific publications) and the publisher of the State of the Art collection in MCDA (with more than 1200 citations, as google scholar) which, according to SPRINGER, is one of the most prominent area of ​​MCDM/A.

Joint Research Networks

  • Joint publications with renowned international researchers and research projects, as well as missions and visits to international centers.
  • Lectures as board members of important international companies in the area, giving international visibility to the Program.
  • Participation of the teachers in the editorial body of qualified international scientific journals (ISI and Scopus), an action highly valued and supported by the Program.
  • Impact of the publications of lectures of the Program and as a consequence an increase in the individual lectures’ h-index. It is also important to note that publications are being cited in various parts of the world.
  • Participation in scientific committees of prominent international congresses. As a result, the program promoted an international Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN / INFORMS) event in 2012 and, in 2016, the 12th Multicriteria Decision Aid / Making – MCDA / M Summer School.
  • Participation as session “chairs” or organization of “invited sessions”, and being “Keynote Speakers” with specific themes in international conferences relevant to the area.

Through many interactions, PPGEP has been developing innovative and highly relevant research for the program, promoting exchange of professors for postdoctoral developments, visits and collaborations, as well as receiving renowned visiting professors from several countries, such as France, Canada, India, England, Portugal, Italy, Poland, United States, Turkey and Mexico. Currently, there are several cooperations with foreign universities, some of which are financed by funding agencies such as WBI/CAPES, PGCI, PVE, from countries such as United States, Canada, Portugal, Poland, Italy, England, Sweden, France, Mexico, Finland and China.

National Institute of Science and Technology – INCT, coordinated by PPGEP professor, INSID (National Institute of Information and Decision System). The institute is an inter-institutional scientific cooperation network of national and international nature, counting with 14 other renowned research centers as international partners and 10 national partners. Another international cooperation project is the PRONEX (Program of Support to Nuclei of Excellence), which has several partners in Brazil and abroad.

The joint and systematic interaction with other similar programs has become increasingly concrete at the international level, due to the work of the Faculty in this area, which has research projects in cooperation with several international universities of recognized qualification. This interaction has resulted in cooperation agreements, training of human resources and qualified joint publication. Among the main foreign institutions, we highlight:

  • Cornell University (USA);
  • Departament of Computer and System Sciences from Stockholm University (Sweden);
  • Politécnico di Milano (Italy);
  • School of Business, Universidade de Concordia – Montreal (Canada);
  • University of Coimbra (Portugal);
  • University of Maryland (USA);
  • Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal);
  • Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada);
  • Université Livre de Bruxelles (Belgium);
  • University of Johannesburg (South Africa) – pending;
  • University of Salford (England);
  • University of Southampton (England);
  • University of Stockholm  (Sweden);
  • University of Vienna  (Austria);
  • University of Catania (Italy);
  • Poznan University of Technology (Poland);
  • Warsaw School of Economics – (Poland);
  • University of Waterloo (Canada);
  • Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada);
  • Toulose  Capitole 1 University (France);
  • University of Turku (Finland);
  • University of Science and Tecnhology Beijing (China);
  • University of Alberta (Canada);
  • Simon Fraser University (Canada);
  • Duke University (USA)
  • University of Occident (Mexico)
  • University of Katowice (Poland)
  • Zhejiang University (China);
  • The British University in Dubai (United Arab Emirates);
  • University of Hull (UK);
  • University of Athens (Grece);
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium);
  • University of Wollongong (Australia);
  • École Centrale Paris (France);
  • Universitat de Les Illes Balears (Spain);
  • Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain);
  • Indian Institute of Technology-Madras,(India);
  • University of Ljubljana (Slovenia);
  • Universidade de Roma (Italy);
  • Universidade Namur (Belgium);
  • SimTechnology, Graz (Austria);
  • Cardiff University (UK);
  • Universidad Tecnológica de Chile(Chile);
  • University University of Sharjad (United Arab Emirates);
  • University of Salamanca (Spain);
  • Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Toluca (Mexico);
  • University of Kent (UK);
  • University of California, Los Angeles (USA);
  • University of Lorraine (France).

International Visiting Researchers

Over the years the PPGEP has received several renowned international visiting researchers (PVE’s). In recent years, the following stand out:

Marc Kilgour, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada.

Keith W. Hipel, University of Waterloo, Canada, Past President of the Academy of Science within the Royal Society of Canada.

Roman Słowiński, Poznań University of Technology, Poland. He is the principal editor of the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), a major magazine for Operational Research.

Phil Scarf, University of Salford, England, Editor of the journal IMA Journal of Management Mathematics.

Ralph L. Keeney, Duke University, USA.

Rangaraja P. Sundarraj, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, India.

Pascale Zarate, Toulouse 1 Capitole University, France.

Murat Köksalan, Technical University of the Middle East, Turkey. He was founding President of the INFORMS Section on Multiple Criteria Decision Making and is President of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.

José Rui Figueira, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Matthias Ehrgott, University of Lancaster, England.

Salvatore Greco, University of Catania, Italy. Associate Editor of the International Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and one of the three editors of a state-of-the-art research collection at MCDA that became a reference text in the field and received the Multiple Criteria Decision Making Gold Medal (2013) .

Carlos M. Fonseca, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Milosz Kadzinski, Poznan University of Technology, Poland.

Juan Carlos Leyva López, University of the West, Mexico.

Bertrand Munier, a former director of the department of the Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan and currently emeritus professor of IAE de Paris. Emeritus editor and active member of editorial boards of many international journals.

Jerzy Michnik, University of Economics in Katowice, Polônia.

Rudolf Vetschera, University of Vienna, Austria.

Jeremy Hall, Cardiff University, UK.

Stelvia Matos, Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Phuc Do Van, University of Lorraine, France,

Isabelle Linden, University Namur, Bélgium.

Love Ekenberg, Stockholm University, Sweden

Xin Shi, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.