An Information and Decision System for screening patients with suspected VOCID-19 in units with resource restriction is the subject of a project developed by members of INCT – National Institute of Information and Decision Systems, funded by FACEPE. This system called SIDTriagem counts with the support of the graduate program in Management Engineering from UFPE and researchers from LIKA and Hospital das Clínicas, as well as other institutions such as IMIP and ITA.
The objective of SIDTriagem is to support physicians in day-to-day decisions regarding the choice of the best conduct to be adopted considering the scarcity of resources resulting from the pandemic. The differential of SIDTriage in relation to other systems is the use of a probabilistic model and the theory of utility to propose a recommendation that maximizes the amount of lives saved, considering diagnostic variables of the patient.
Among the variables considered in the model, which are based on international protocols validated by the academic community and health professionals, are: the patient’s age, symptoms, risk factors, comorbidities, clinical evaluations and laboratory test results. In addition, the system also considers the ICU occupation scenario to indicate to the physician a more appropriate treatment recommendation for the patient, within a broader health system occupation context.
The system evaluates the robustness of the patient’s treatment recommendations for ICU, Ward or Home Isolation, based on a Monte-Carlo simulation model.
The SIDTriagem is available in Portuguese and English, and the data obtained from the generated occurrences are stored in a database, in order to enable future analyses. Unfoldings and improvements of the current model are under development, and the possibility of application to other diseases should also be highlighted, with the advent of demands in the public health network of the state of Pernambuco.
The SIDTriagem was disclosed by the coordination of the Scientific Committee to Fight Coronavirus, an initiative of the Consórcio Nordeste (Northeast Consortium), to all government secretaries of the northeast. In addition, an exclusive version was developed for use in the public network of the State of Pernambuco.
The SIDTriagem can be accessed in the site