PPGEP-UFPE Dissertation receives first place in CFA Society Brazil Award for Monographs in Finance

The dissertation “SISTEMA DE APOIO À DECISÃO PARA SELEÇÃO DE PORTFÓLIOS NO SETOR DE PRIVATE BANKING COM USO DE LÓGICA FUZZY (DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM TO SELECT PORTFOLIOS IN THE SECTOR OF PRIVATE BANKING WITH USE OF FUZZY LOGIC)”, developed by the former PPGEP-UFPE student Drance Meira de Oliveira Filho, under the supervision of Professor Adiel Teixeira de Almeida Filho, received first place in the CFA Society Brazil Award for Monographs in Finance.
The CFA Society Brazil Award for Monographs in Finance is a platform for the dissemination of articles that contribute, in the sphere of financial and capital markets, to reduce the gap of financial innovations that are identified in Brazil. In order to foster research in the area of finance in Brazil and create a bank of ideas for the constant development of the Brazilian financial market, the Award recognizes, with cash remunerations, the best monographs on selected topics in each issue.

For more information about the CFA Society Brazil Award of Monographs in Finance, visit: http://cfasociety.org.br/premio/.

Link to the award-winning dissertation: https://sucupira.capes.gov.br/sucupira/coleta_online/manutencaoTrabalhoConclusao/viewTrabalho.xhtml?popup=true&id_trabalho_conclusao=6446775