The Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) was visited by Professor Rudolf Vestschera, from the University of Vienna, Austria. In the 04/12/2018 the Prof. Vetschera gave a lecture named “A bisection method for generating random utility functions in SMAA”, which took place at the NIATE Laboratory of the Center for Technologies and Geosciences.
Full professor at the University of Vienna, Rudolf Vetschera studied economics and computer science at the University of Vienna and Technical University of Vienna. Research interests: Decision-oriented models of organizations, network organizations, multi-criteria decision making, decision support systems. He has been working in the field of MCDM area for about 15 years and came to Vienna in 1996 from the University of Konstanz, Germany. The main focus of teaching and research is on organization theory, but this area provides plenty of applications for multicriteria approaches.