It is with great honor that the Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering of UFPE announces that Professor ADIEL TEIXEIRA DE ALMEIDA has been awarded the INFORMS GDN Section Award. This is the greatest award from the Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN) Section of INFORMS. INFORMS is the American Society in the field of Operational Research and Management Science.
The award plaque reads as follows: “The 2017 INFORMS GDN Section Award is proudly conferred on Professor Adiel Teixeira de Almeida to honor his outstanding contributions to the field of Group Decision and Negotiation. Dr. Adiel T. de Almeida is a globally renowned mentor and researcher in GDN from a multiple objective decision making viewpoint, who has contributed significantly to the development of the GDN Section of INFORMS. He is widely recognized for his significant contributions to the development of Group Decision; Multiple Criteria Decision Making/Aid; Models for Risk, Reliability and Maintenance Decision Analysis; and Decision Model Applications for addressing challenging real decision problems in many fields. He has strikingly influenced academia through the publication of many high quality refereed journal papers, conference articles, book chapters and books. He has been an active contributor to the GDN Section of INFORMS, as participant, plenary speaker and Program Chair at GDN International conferences and organizer of the GDN conference 2012 in Recife. He served on the Editorial Board of the GDN journal since 2011 and as Departmental Co-Editor of Management Science; as member of the Board of the GDN Section of INFORMS since 2015; and now as Vice-President for Membership and Publications. For all his achievements, it is a great honor to present the GDN Section Award to Adiel Teixeira de Almeida.”
The conference took place from August 14 to 18, 2017, at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Congratulations to Prof. Adiel T. de Almeida for this achievement!
More information on the INFORMS website