PPGEP doctoral students receive best article award at international event in China

The students Lúcia Reis Peixoto Roselli and Eduarda Asfora Frej, doctoral students of the PPGEP-UFPE, under the supervision of Professor Adiel T. de Almeida, received the GDN 2018 Young Researcher Award for the paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation – GDN 2018. The GDN is one of the most important events in the Group and Negotiation, which this year took place in Najing, China.

The GDN Young Researcher Award is given to a young researcher who presented the best article during the event and who has not yet finished the doctoral program. The winning paper was titled “Neuroscience Experiment for Graphical Visualization in the FITradeoff Decision Support System”.

The neuroscientific approach is considered a study of the neural system and its implications for the processes in the human body. Behavioral studies in Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) still have a gap and, in this context, Neuroscience can be used as a decision support tool. The aim of the award-winning research is to explore the potential of using graphical visualization in the FITradeoff Decision Support System (DSS) by performing an eye tracking experiment and applying it to a decision problem.