Agreement concerning the Establishment of the International Visegrad Fund

The Agreement Concerning the Establishment of the International Visegrad Fund is a significant document that outlines the founding principles and objectives of an international organization focused on promoting cooperation and partnership among the four Central European countries of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Since its signing in 1991, the Fund has played a vital role in supporting various initiatives in the region, promoting cultural exchange, scientific research, and cross-border cooperation among the countries that make up the Visegrad Group.

The Agreement is divided into several sections that spell out the main goals and objectives of the Fund, its governance structure, and the rules and procedures governing its operations. The preamble of the Agreement outlines the shared beliefs and values of the signatories, emphasizing the importance of regional cooperation as a means of promoting democracy, freedom, and European integration.

Under the provisions of the Agreement, the Fund`s main objective is to support cooperation among the Visegrad Group countries in the fields of culture, science, research, education, and other areas of mutual interest. It also aims to promote the development of civil society and democratic institutions in the region. To achieve these goals, the Fund provides financial support and other resources to various initiatives and programs, such as research grants, student exchanges, cultural events, and cross-border projects.

The Agreement also outlines the governance structure of the Fund, which is based on a Council, a Board of Directors, and a Secretariat. The Council, composed of the foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group countries, is the highest decision-making body of the Fund and is responsible for setting its strategic direction and approving its budget. The Board of Directors, composed of representatives from each country, is responsible for managing the Fund`s day-to-day operations. The Secretariat, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, acts as the executive arm of the Fund and is responsible for implementing its programs and initiatives.

The Agreement also spells out the rules and procedures governing the Fund`s operations, including its financial management, reporting, and auditing requirements. It emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the Fund`s operations and mandates regular reporting and auditing to ensure that its resources are being used effectively and efficiently.

In conclusion, the Agreement Concerning the Establishment of the International Visegrad Fund is a crucial document that outlines the founding principles and objectives of an international organization dedicated to promoting cooperation and partnership among the Visegrad Group countries. Since its launch in 1991, the Fund has played a vital role in fostering regional cooperation and promoting democracy, freedom, and European integration in Central Europe. Its success is a testament to the enduring value of regional cooperation and partnership in achieving shared goals and objectives.